Les Minijusticiers knows in English The Minimighty Kids, This is my favourite French animated cartoon from my childhood about of anthropomorphic animals kids who gets not good day and they gets power to be hero of day and this animated series based off of the original book of the same name by Hélène Bruller and Zep.
The animation (only Season 1-2) some looks likes Chowder, same design characters (but in that French cartoon not having humanoids or other non-anthropomorphic animal characters, designs of characters in French cartoon have Morden clothes than older clothes from chowder except Jonathan but in season 2 to presents have shorts and shoes, and also not have stock backgrounds layers on clothes of characters) and same backgrounds, but I’m warn about of any transformation scenes, after getting superpowers of anthropomorphic animals kids, their bodies started growing muscles (also female characters it’s also concerns), they becoming bigger than earth and come back their normal bodies (but many characters after getting superpowers gets also superhero costumes), after saving a day their superpowers is disappearing and come back to normal.
This series also have Season 2 with different title La bande des Minijusticiers (The Minimighty Squad) about Greg (superfart), Eleanor (superfoureyes), Jonathan (supertumble), Mary-Ann (supercrybaby) and Ivan (supermini) who theirs superpowers is come back to thanks to magic star from special episode (but not have English dub), and they helping with problems of their friends and others, and saving day from crime (because France have 55.3 of crime rate now), in Season 3 we see who traditionally animation changed to Flash animation motion-tweens with new characters, but any characters from season 1-2 are not appearing from unknown reasons.
Score of Rotten Tomatoes:
Cringe-Inducing Audio: 3.1
Cringe-Inducing Visuals: 4
Cringe-Inducing Animation: 3.3
Annoyance: 2.7
Disturbing Content: 2.6
Low Production Values: 2
Final Score: 85/100